The Dissociative Disorders Alliance is being set up by and for people living with complex dissociative disorders, their allies and professionals working in the field. We are working to develop clear and accessible information and resources, peer led services and to improve access to good quality care and support.

We are grateful to everyone who has been able to provide us with their valuable responses by completing our ‘What do you think?’ questionnaire. We have been busy collating and analysing your feedback and are using it to shape the development of your new charity.

The questionnaire is now closed but do not worry if you missed it, there will be many opportunities to share your voice in the future.

We are working on formalising our constitution and developing policies and procedures, before registering with the Charity Commission, as well as creating our website and other resources.  

We hope to be somewhere you can turn to in the future, until then we have found the following resources helpful:

For information about complex Dissociative Disorders:

For someone to talk or type to:

  • Samaritans (Call: 116 123 or email:
  • NAPAC (0808 801 0331 - Monday to Thursday 10-9, Friday 10-6)

Contact Information

PO Box 368